Want to conspire* with us? It’s easy. Just share this site with anyone you think would benefit from taking care of themselves and others. Mutual aid FTW!
Soon we’ll also have a mailing list so you can get updates about the latest research and practices.
And one more thing we should mention: Whether you know it or not, you’re already part of the conspiracy. Conspire literally means to breathe together.
Our ability to breathe is made possible by an invisible conspiracy of life that has evolved over billions of years to make the Earth alive.
Here’s how NASA sums it up:
So the next time you take a breath, be sure to thank the plankton, the trees, and the seasons.
* Obligatory acronym:
Community-Oriented: This project takes a collective approach to tackling the respiratory health on multiple fronts.
Nasal Safety: We focus on nasal hygiene and the importance of protecting the upper respiratory tract microbiome from infection by clearing out viruses and other pathogens.
Personal Infection Reduction: By taking personal responsibility, you can reduce the risk of getting infected - which means reducing the risk of infecting others.
Education: This site is designed to be informative and educational, hopefully without too much jargon but just enough references so you can make up your own mind.
Together: Collective action, mutual aid, and community participation are key to improving public health.